Donor Thank-You Letters

Fundraising Letters Blog

It’s crucial that you show your appreciation to those who have supported your organization and mission. Check out our vast array of donor thank you letter templates for any situation and cause.

Donor Thank-You Letters: What You Need to Say

As a fundraising professional, you’re likely familiar with the importance of donor thank you letters. Each time a supporter gives to your cause or participates in a fundraising campaign, it’s crucial that you show your appreciation. Without your donors, your organization wouldn’t have been able to fund various programs or accomplish important projects.

However, sending donor thank-you letters doesn’t just send your donors a token of appreciation. It also kick starts your donor relationship and sets you up for future engagements with that supporter. It’s common knowledge now that donor retention is more cost-effective than donor acquisition, so make every opportunity to develop that donor relationship and keep their support for the long term.

If you want to raise donor retention numbers, try and get donors to donate that second time— what many fundraisers call the “golden donation.” According to one study , only 19% of new donors will give again after their first donation. But once that donor completes the “golden donation,” 63% will give again.

Additionally, encourage your supporters to be recurring donors rather than one-off. This keeps engagement consistent and can be better for those who want to give a lot but don’t have the necessary funds immediately.

Read on to learn the best way to thank your donors, no matter what organization you help. Begin your donor relationship on the right foot!

How to Send Your Donor Thank-You Letters

Send your thank-you letters out on multiple communication platforms, including email and direct mail. You can start with a standardized message for all supporters, tweaking it to fit each recipient and channel, and send the message on both platforms to save time.

The process to send your email messages should be straightforward—simply send your letter to all donors who submitted an electronic donation. Direct mailings, however, require a bit more involvement since you’re sending physical letters, but the right tools and resources make it simple.

By combining physical and digital platforms, you can ensure you properly thank all donors equally and efficiently. Plus, these templates will help optimize your outreach through any channel!

Donor Thank You Letter Template

Small Nonprofit Thank You Letter Template

Large Nonprofit Thank You Letter Template

Church Contribution Thank You Letter

In-Kind Donation Thank You Letter

Annual Fund Thank You Letter

Major Donor Thank-You Letter Sample

Donor Thank-You Email Template

Thank You Letters for School Fundraisers

Thank-You Letters for College Fundraisers

Thank-You Letters for Alumni Donors

Capital Campaign Thank You Letter

Political Campaign Thank You Letter

Thank You Letter for Sponsorship of Event

Sample Thank You Letter to an Animal Shelter

Thank You Letter after Fundraising Event

Donor Thank You Letter Template

Subject: Thank you for your generous gift to [organization’s name]

Dear [donor’s name],

We have received your gift of [donation amount] to our [fundraiser name] and wanted to take the time to thank you. Here at [organization’s name] we value each and every one of our supporters and appreciate all the help we can get

With your donation, we are one step closer to [fundraiser end goal]. [Describe what your organization is trying to accomplish. For example, if you are a nonprofit, talk about your main mission and how your current fundraiser is specifically tackling the issue. Clearly outline the actions you are taking.]

You are truly making a difference for [organization’s name] and [core audience fundraiser is helping].

If you have specific questions about how your gift is being used, or you want further information on how to continue your support, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are available by phone at [phone number] or you can visit our website [website url].

Key Takeaway from This Thank-You Letter

In all donor thank-you letters, you need to be personable and specific. This means including the donor’s actual name and gift amount! When you take the time to individualize your communications, your donors are more likely to respond positively and feel personally connected to your organization.

Further, it’s always a good idea to be specific about the donor’s gift and the impact it has made. Make sure to remind donors how their donation is being used and reiterate the fundraiser/project/event. Let them know the specific actions your organization is taking, as well.

Lastly, end on a note that encourages future engagement. Give them contact information and let them know there are options for future support if they’re interested.

Small Nonprofit Thank You Letter Template

Subject: [nonprofit’s name] wants to thank you.

Dear [donor’s name],

My name is [name] and I am [position] with [nonprofit’s name]. We have recently received your generous donation of [donation amount] and wanted to personally thank you. You are truly making a difference and [nonprofit name] values your support tremendously.

[nonprofit’s name] has been working hard since [nonprofit launch date] to [describe your nonprofit’s mission and what you’re trying to accomplish]. We appreciate each and every one of our donors and we wouldn’t be where we are without your support. [Describe a specific story of how your nonprofit has recently accomplished something.]

With your contribution, we are one step closer to accomplishing [nonprofit end goal]. Your recent gift will go towards [explain the current fundraiser this gift is contributing to] and will help us [describe the specific actions your nonprofit is going to take to help your problem/cause].

If you have specific questions about how your gift is being used, or you want further information on how to continue your support, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am available by phone at [phone number] or you can visit our website [website url].

Key Takeaway from This Thank-You Letter

Since your nonprofit is smaller, you probably don’t get as many donations as larger, more established organizations. Make an extra effort to connect with the donor and use your actual name so they know they’re engaging with a human presence. Additionally, emphasize the value of their donation and let them know just how much you appreciate it.

Be specific about the actions you are taking and how your nonprofit is going to use these donations. Transparency is essential, especially for donors who are contributing to a nonprofit who doesn’t have a large, established history.

Large Nonprofit Thank You Letter Template

Subject: Thank you from [nonprofit name]

Dear [donor’s name],

For over [amount of years] years, [nonprofit name] has worked hard to [describe your nonprofit’s mission and what you have done to help it. Talk about the main problem you are trying to solve]. Some of the accomplishments we are proud of are [talk about specific fundraisers where you made a considerable difference].

[nonprofit’s name] has recently received your generous gift of [donation amount] to our fundraiser, [fundraiser name]. [Include all details about this donation, for example if this was a recurring donation, a major gift, etc.] This fundraiser aims to [go into detail on the recent problem that you are supporting]. With your contribution, we are able to [describe the specific actions your nonprofit is taking to combat the issue, for example: build a new facility, raise enough money to buy medical supplies].

Here at [nonprofit’s name], we cannot thank you enough. Our supporters are the reason we are able to make any difference at all. It is because of you that [describe the lives your nonprofit helps].

If you have specific questions about how your gift is being used, or you want further information on how to continue your support, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are available by phone at [phone number] or you can visit our website [website url].

Key Takeaway from This Thank-You Letter

Since your nonprofit is larger, you don’t want your donor to feel like their gift was lost in the shuffle. Make sure to include personal details like their name and their donation amount. If there were any other noteworthy details about their donation, include that too! For example, if they decided to become a recurring donor or indicated that they are also volunteering, be sure to mention these items.

Let them know about the specific impact their gift has made. It’s easy to feel like larger nonprofits don’t actually need extra help since they already have an established support base. However, every donation counts, and if everyone has this mindset then no one would donate!

Church Contribution Thank You Letter

Subject: You’ve answered [church’s name]’s prayers.

Dear [donor’s name],

My name is [name] and I am the [position] at [church’s name]. We have recently received your generous gift of [donation amount] and wanted to take the time to personally thank you and show our appreciation.

As [describe the donor’s relationship with the church, for example: a dedicated church member, church sponsor, recurring church supporter, etc.], we value all types of support you can give. The church needs this support to [describe why your church is raising funds, whether it is for general church upkeep or for a specific fundraising cause] and we will be using your generosity to [describe the specific actions you are going to do with the funds].

Donations like yours makes a tremendous difference in the work our church can do for the community. Without people like you, we would not be able to [describe ways your church gives back to the community, whether it’s hosting community events or providing a place for people to pray].

Thank you for answering our prayers and getting [church’s name] to where we need to be. Together, we make a true difference.

If you have specific questions about how your gift is being used, or you want further information on how to continue your support, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are available by phone at [phone number] or you can visit us in person at [church’s address].

What Does This Thank-You Letter Do Well?

As a faith-based institution, a lot of your support will be raised by your church members or other supporters like sponsors. It’s extremely important that you send out thank-you letters as without these supporters, your church may not be able to even exist.

Church’s thrive on fellowship and faith, so make sure to remind your donors why they matter and recognize their effect on your community. Additionally, explain what the church is going to do with the funds so that donors understand where their money is going. Be specific about the actions you’ll be taking and remind supporters that they are the backbone of your institution.

In-Kind Donation Thank You Letter

Subject: Thank you for providing [in-kind donation object] for [organization name]

Dear [donor’s name],

We at [organization’s name], have recently received your generous gift of [describe the in-kind donation]. As you know, this has been a tremendous need for our community and [describe why your organization is collecting these donations. Be extremely specific and present the issue clearly, going into details as to why this in-kind donation is in demand.]

With these [type of in-kind donations], our organization will be able to finally [describe what your organization is doing, specifying the actions you will take with the donations]. Your support is tremendously appreciated, as without out [type of in-kind donations], [describe the consequences of what would have happened if these donations were not raised].

So far, we have [describe the work your organization has done so far with the in-kind donation] and with your gift, we will be able to provide [describe the specific positive impact of in-kind donation].

If you have specific questions about how your gift is being used, or you want further information on how to continue your support, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are available by phone at [phone number] or you can visit our website [website url].

Thank you,
[organization’s name]

Key Takeaway from This Thank-You Letter

It’s common that organizations might benefit more from in-kind donations than monetary gifts. If your organization is collecting objects instead of funds, make sure you send a thank-you letter specifying the in-kind donation and how that has helped your cause.

Make sure to be specific and outline what exactly the in-kind donations are being used for. Whether you’re collecting old shoes to give to families in need or books for kids in underprivileged schools, describe the dire need for the objects and how the donor’s one generous action will already change lives!

Donor Thank You Letter Best Practices

The best donor thank-you letter will bring donors back. Being in the business of asking for donations can be a tricky situation. There’s a fine line between showing appreciation and being a nuisance, so consider these donor thank you letter best practices:

Showing donor appreciation is important for developing and maintaining those relationships. Having these dependable relationships will lead to consistent support, so don’t slap together your thank you letter without a good amount of thought.

Annual Fund Thank You Letter

Subject: [Organization’s name] would not be here without your support.

Dear [donor’s name],

We’d like to take the time to thank you for your generous gift. Each year, [organization’s name] works hard to provide for [describe your mission] and host effective fundraising campaigns. Just last year, we were able to [describe the highlights of your previous fundraisers. Talk specifically about how much money was raised and give concrete details of what your organization has accomplished. Make sure to emphasize the impact on your mission].

However, though we are usually working hard towards our mission, we still have the ongoing costs of running a nonprofit. This ranges from making sure there is a place for our staff members to work to having the necessary resources to conduct various campaigns [input more specific examples of running costs]. That is why we’re so grateful for your gift to our annual fund, helping our nonprofit go through the day-to-day tasks.

A well running and dependable organization is what is needed to create the most engaging and successful fundraising campaigns. That is why contributing to our annual fund is so needed, though it might not seem as urgent and necessary as other fundraisers.

If you have specific questions about how your gift is being used, or you want further information on how to continue your support, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are available by phone at [phone number] or you can visit our website [website url].

What Does This Thank-You Letter Do Well?

Start off this thank you letter by explaining what your organization has accomplished so far. Give the highlights and emphasize what would have happened if your organization did not exist. Not many people think of donating to a nonprofit’s annual fund, so reminding your donors of the needs of your organization is a great way to ensure they want to contribute to your day-to-day costs.

Major Donor Thank-You Letter Sample

Subject: [organization’s name] thanks you for your extremely generous contribution.

Dear [donor’s name],

My name is [name] and I am the [position] of [organization’s name]. We have recently received your generous contribution of [donation amount], catapulting us closer to our fundraising goal than ever before. We don’t know how we can ever show our true appreciation.

Without supporters like you, we would not be able to [describe what would have happened if donations were not raised]. [Organization’s name] created this fundraiser in hopes that we will make an actual difference. [Describe the fundraiser you hosted and what you hoped to achieve.]

Your gift will provide [describe the actions you’ve taken and the impact the gift has made. Use specific details that correlate with the exact gift amount, like “Your gift has provided X amount of books for kids with low access to education.”]

To show our appreciation even more, we’d like to offer you this [a gift, for example: a piece of merchandise, ticket to an appreciation gala, etc.]. Please don’t hesitate to contact me personally if you have further questions about your donations. I am available by phone at [phone number] or you can visit our website [website url].

Thank you again,

Key Takeaway from This Thank-You Letter

According to Double the Donation’s statistics page , 13.9% of total donated income comes from major gift fundraising. This is a huge portion of an organization’s fundraising revenue and you should be properly thanking these donors. Not everyone is able to give a large contribution, and the ones who do are giving up a lot to help your cause.

For major donors, it might make sense to send them some token of appreciation. Whether this is a physical gift or an invitation to an event to thank donors, your recipient will recognize this genuine effort. This is important for building a base for future engagement and further support!

Donor Thank-You Email Template

Subject: [organization’s name] has recently received your gift and we want to thank you!

Dear [donor’s name],

We at [organization’s name] have recently received your generous contribution and would like to show our appreciation. We hosted this fundraiser in hopes to [describe your fundraiser and how your actions will help your organization’s cause]. If you want more information, make sure to check out our fundraiser page [link to your fundraising page] for updates!

Your donation of [donation amount] has already made a tremendous impact, and we cannot thank you enough. With your gift, we are already able to [describe specifically how this exact donation amount can help your mission. Use concrete details like “your donation will help X number of kids!”].

[Insert photo of how you’re using their gift, like of your team at a fundraising event]

[Organization’s name] can’t thank you enough, and invite you to also check out our [insert links to social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, etc.].

If you have specific questions about how your gift is being used, or you want further information on how to continue your support, you can simply just reply to this email. We are also available by phone at [phone number] or you can visit our website [website url].

Thank you again,

What Does This Thank-You Email Do Well?

Your thank you email should have the basics and won’t look that much different from a regular donor thank you letter. However, there are various ways you can leverage the email form to make your email stand out. Include link to relevant content on your organization’s website or even attachments like photos and videos. This is a great way to lead your donors to finding out more about your mission and seeing concrete evidence of your actions.

Break up your content in short paragraphs so that it is accessible on all devices, from mobile phone screens to larger desktop computers.

Thank You Letters for School Fundraisers

Subject: [school’s name]’s students appreciate your gift so much.

Dear [donor’s name],

The first thing we at [school’s name] wants to say is… Thank you! We have recently received your gift and are so excited to provide even more for our students.

Each year, we strive to bring our students the best possible education and other enriching experiences. However, with the costs of basic school supplies and other necessary tools, it can be hard to create programs and hosts all the events that we’d like to.

For this fundraiser, we hope to [describe your fundraiser and what you hope to do, for example: fundraising for the big middle-school dance, fundraising to help form a new sports team]. With your contribution, we are so much closer to our goal, with only [how much money left to your fundraising goal] to go.

In the end, your gift is going to our students and they can’t thank you enough too. If you have specific questions about how your gift is being used, or you want further information on how to continue your support, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are available by phone at [phone number] or you can visit our website [website url].

What Does This Thank-You Letter Do Well?

People who donate to school fundraisers are usually doing so in order to bring a positive impact to the students. Make sure you show your appreciation for the gift, but also emphasize how it’s going to affect your school and the students. This way, donors know that their contributions went to something they actually care about.

Make sure to be specific about what you’re going to do with the funds raised. Many people are wary to giving to schools thinking it might go to waste. Explaining how the funds are being used assures donors that their gift is going to a worthwhile cause.

Thank-You Letters for College Fundraisers

Subject: Thank you for helping our future leaders.

Dear [donor’s name],

[school’s name] has recently received your generous alumni donation and wanted to take the time to properly thank you.

Since your time at [school’s name], we have flourished and been able to host generations of wonderful students. As you know, we try each year to create memorable experiences as well as offer unparalleled educational opportunities for our students. Though we do have some of the resources to make this possible, with every year the costs seem to raise as we struggle to keep up.

That is why your donation has meant so much to us. Your gift helps provide the positive quality of life that we were hopefully able to give you during your time as a student. It is the help from our established alumni that keeps us going. Further, donors like you are the only people who truly understand the value a student can gain from our institution.

Your most recent gift will help us [describe exactly where the funds are going, for example, to renovate the library or build more student spaces on campus]. As a previous student, you probably already know what that impact will have on our current students, and they cannot thank you enough.

If you have specific questions about how your gift is being used, or you want further information on how to continue your support, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are available by phone at [phone number] or you can email our alumni offices here [email address].

Thank you,
[school’s name]

Key Takeaway from This Thank-You Letter

Fundraising for your college or university is a great way to increase the resources for your students and improve their experience on your campus. Often, colleges need fundraising as an added revenue stream, so make sure you keep up with your thank you letters.

It’s important you highlight where the donation is going so that supporters know that their gift is being put to good use. For example, emphasize if it’s going towards a new building or a better dining program.

Thank-You Letters for Alumni Donors

Subject: Your alma mater thanks you for giving back.

Dear [donor’s name],

[school’s name] has recently received your generous alumni donation and wanted to take the time to properly thank you.

Since your time at [school’s name], we have flourished and been able to host generations of wonderful students. As you know, we try each year to create memorable experiences as well as offer unparalleled educational opportunities for our students. Though we do have some of the resources to make this possible, with every year the costs seem to raise as we struggle to keep us.

That is why your donation has meant so much to us. Your gift helps provide the positive quality of life that we were hopefully able to give you during your time as a student. It is the help from our established alumni that help us keep going. Further, donors like you are the only people who truly understand the value you can gain from our institution.

Your most recent gift will help us [describe exactly where the funds are going, for example to renovate the library or build more student spaces on campus]. As a previous student, you probably already know what that impact will have on our current students, and they cannot thank you enough.

If you have specific questions about how your gift is being used, or you want further information on how to continue your support, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are available by phone at [phone number] or you can email our alumni offices here [email address].

What Does This Thank-You Letter Do Well?

Alumni have special relationships with their alma maters, so it makes sense that they’ll be frequently donating to your institution. They know how needed funds are because they’ve experienced your establishment before. However, it’s still important to show your appreciation for them and properly thank them for their donation.

Make sure to highlight how exactly you are going to use their gift so they know the specific impact they’re making. They’ll be excited to know that their contribution is going to something that was also important to them, providing our future generations with even more enriching memories.

Capital Campaign Thank You Letter

Subject: [capital campaign name] has been a success.

Dear [donor’s name],

After your recent generous gift, [organization’s name] would like to properly thank you. For [timespan], [organization’s name] has been working hard to [describe your capital campaign. Specify your fundraising efforts and the main goal you are working towards].

From the moment we started, we knew that this fundraising effort was going to be a big one. [Your end goal] is a monumental task, which is why our efforts have been so consistent and far-reaching. So far we have raised [donation amount raised], and a chunk of that is in a huge part thanks to you.

Throughout it all, nothing would have been possible without you. Without the support of our donors and supporters, none of what we have done and will do would even be possible. [Describe the situation if your capital campaign didn’t exist, for example: X many kids wouldn’t have access to water, X species would already be extinct].

If you have specific questions about how your gift is being used, or you want further information on how to continue your support, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are available by phone at [phone number] or you can email our alumni offices here [email address].

Thank you,
[organization’s name]

Key Takeaway from This Thank-You Letter

Capital campaigns are a targeted fundraising effort that can span a long period of time. They are often used to raise money for very specific and concrete goals, like building a new hospital in an impoverished area. While capital campaigns can take an incredible amount of time and even cost you thousands of dollars just to execute, they can also create something concrete with a long-lasting impact.

It’s imperative that you show your appreciation to those who give to these capital campaigns. Make sure you emphasize the time and effort that went into it, as well as the final product and goal of the campaign.

Political Campaign Thank You Letter

Subject: We’re having a great campaign season, thanks to you.

Dear [donor’s name],

We recently received your donation of [donation amount] to the [politician last name]’s team, and I, [politician’s full name], just wanted to personally thank you. As you know, I am running for the [position] role in the upcoming [year] election. It is my dream and hope that I can step into these shoes proudly and be able to serve the community.

It is the support from you and others that helps me and my team do what they do. [Describe your campaign season so far, for example: if you’ve traveled to other towns, various events you may have hosted]. Hopefully, in the end we will see the results we all want to.

I hope that with my election, I can bring you and other community members [list some of the changes you promised to make and other positive impacts].

It is people like you who help to change the world for the better. If you have specific questions about how your gift is being used, or you want further information on how to continue your support, please don’t hesitate to contact us. My team is available by phone at [phone number] or you can contact our offices here [email address].

Thank you,
[candidate’s name]
[current position]

What Does This Thank-You Letter Do Well?

If you’re a candidate running for a position in office or your local government, it’s important that you establish a dependable group of supporters. For one thing, you need them for the votes. On the other hand, these supporters can be valuable resources for your campaign, even providing funding for your current campaign as well as future ones!

It’s important that in your thank you letter you highlight what you hope to bring to the position. Your supporters likely already know this, but it’s helpful to remind them of the changes you’re thinking of implementing. Further, it’s a good idea to point out how your campaign is going currently. Your supporters will be interested in knowing any volunteer acts or other events you’ve participated in.