General School Policies and Procedures

Course grades are updated regularly on Canvas for each course taken. Please log in to the Canvas system to view attendance and academic progress for your student. For questions on logging in to Canvas, please ask school staff (registrar, counselor, assistant principal, etc.) to support. Final and quarterly grades are posted in Skyward.

Assembly Behavior

Assembly Behavior

Assemblies are an integral part of the school curriculum and have an educational value, therefore, attendance at assemblies is required. Students are expected to behave in a way that shows respect for those speaking or performing and those in attendance. Students who misbehave at assemblies may be removed from the assembly by an administrator and subject to discipline.

Cell Phone & Personal Electronics Use

Cell Phone & Personal Electronics Use

Cell phones and other personal electronic or “smart” devices (including headphones and Air Pods) will need to be silenced and stowed in backpacks/or placed in a teacher designated location at the beginning of each class period and remain stowed until the end of class period (bell to bell). This policy will also extend to hallways and common areas while class is in session. Students will be allowed access to their phones during non-instructional times (before/after school, during passing periods, and during their designated lunch time).

Check Acceptance Policy

Check Acceptance Policy

The District has established the following protocol for accepting checks and collecting bad checks:

College and Career Center

College and Career Center

The Issaquah High College and Career Center is an excellent resource for students, parent/guardian/caretakers, and faculty needing information about post-secondary education and career decisions. Visit the Issaquah High College and Career Center website for up-to-date detailed information on our services and resources including:

Computer/Technology Use

Computer/Technology Use

The District encourages information dissemination, collaboration, innovation, and experimentation through the ethical use of technology. The District requires its staff and students to adhere strictly to District Regulations and laws governing technological hardware and software. In cases involving any activity prohibited by District Regulation and/or law, rights accorded to persons by the District, such as privacy, do not protect an individual from discipline and/or prosecution. Complete copies of Regulations 2022 and 5253 may be obtained at any school or on the district website.

Computers are to be used for academic purposes only. No games, audio files, video files, or other applications may be downloaded or installed without permission of the site administrator or designee. Every student using a District computer must have a parent/guardian/caretaker sign a Responsible Use Agreement. This form acknowledges the right of the District to review material stored on its network, as well as the wide range of information accessible through public networks. The Issaquah School District does use monitoring software when students are using a district device (on and off campus), a student email address, and when using district provided programs like OneDrive, Office 365, etc. This means students and parent/guardian/caretakers will be contacted if a student uses any language that references illegal, violent, sexual or self-harm language while using a district device, email or program. The Responsible Use Agreement also releases the District from liability for any damages due to information gained or obtained through the District network, including access to public networks.

Counseling Center

Counseling Center

Students will be assigned to a specific counselor for academic monitoring according to last name. The Counseling Center is open from 7:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. daily. Arrangements to see a counselor may be made by emailing your counselor directly, making an appointment with the counseling secretary, signing up for an appointment through Calendly, or during lunch drop-ins.

Counseling Center services include:

Please visit the Counseling Center website to access the following:

Course Change Policy

Course Change Policy

As personnel, facilities and material resources are assigned based on student’s course selections, it is imperative that students choose courses carefully (including alternatives) during registration. Changes to student schedules create an impact on many other courses, and therefore will only be made on a limited basis. Therefore, Administration has established the following schedule change policy to promote academic success for students.

Students are expected to select their classes in a serious and responsible manner, as every effort will be made to ensure that students are scheduled into their pre-selected classes. Not all courses in the Course Catalog are offered annually. Ultimately, the number of students who select that course, teacher availability, facility, and budget constraints determine courses offered during the year. When you choose a course you are committing to completing the course in its entirety to the best of your ability. If an error in course placement has been made, such as misplacement in math or would languages, students should see their counselor immediately for reassignment into the appropriate course. Schedule changes are only made if there is misplacement or if there is room in the course the student/parent/guardian/caretaker requests to be moved into.

Student/Parent/Guardian/Caretaker initiated schedule change requests must be submitted by following the course change process. A Google form will be made available for students to submit course changes prior to the start of the new semester. After the Google form closes, students will need to make an appointment with their counselor to discuss schedule changes. After the 5 th day of the new semester, students will need to discuss schedule changes with their Assistant Principal. Replacement of approved dropped courses will be at the discretion of school administration, based on availability of seats in courses being taught during the same class period.

Until the end of the 5 th day of school: Students may submit a change request based on academic misplacement.

Valid reasons for schedule changes are limited to:

Note: if a student/parent/guardian/caretaker-initiated schedule change is made, the student is required to complete all assignments from the start of the semester in the new class. Students will be required to work with their new teacher to accomplish this goal. If the student chooses not to complete an assignment, a “0” may be entered in the gradebook for that assignment, therefore negatively affecting the grade in the new class.

Teacher initiated schedule changes may be made when a teacher recommends a student be moved from one level to another within the same subject area. The teacher will initiate a conversation with the school administrator, counselor, student, and parent/guardian/caretaker to discuss the possible change and, if agreed upon, the student’s administrator will recommend the change. Students will follow their original schedule until they are notified that the change has been made.

Dance Regulation

Dance Regulation

To attend any dance, everyone must have a picture ID. A current school ID, passport, or driver’s license will be the only forms of picture ID accepted.

Students who bring a guest to a school dance must have the appropriate dance pass completed, signed and returned to the ASB bookkeeper no later than two days before. Dance passes are available in the Athletic Secretary’s office. Students may not bring a guest that is 21 or older or in middle school. If a student guest is asked to leave a dance, both parties will be required to leave. Parent/guardian/caretaker will be called to come and pick the student up if necessary.

Students may not engage in any type of inappropriate dancing. Examples of this include, but are not limited to:

Dance Chaperones are authorized to ask students to stop if students are found to be dancing inappropriately.

Any student or guest dressed inappropriately will be asked to change or be removed from the dance. No refund will be given. For appropriate dress description, see Student Dress Code.

Distribution of Printed Materials on School Grounds

Distribution of Printed Materials on School Grounds

Students distributing printed materials through activities or athletics need to work with their coach or advisor regarding distribution of printer materials. In respect for the rights and beliefs of all of our students, for materials outside of activities or athletics, you must submit a request to PeachJar for any community distribution. If you wish to post information on the school’s community bulletin board or other area set aside for this purpose, please contact your assistant principal for approval. Guidelines for distribution of material on school grounds are included in Regulations 2340 and 4320. A complete copy of these policies may be obtained at any school or on the district website.

Drug Free Zones

Drug Free Zones

Schools in the Issaquah School District are protected as drug free zones, as established by the City of Issaquah and King County. Drug free zones provide for possible double penalties for anyone caught trafficking controlled substances within 1,000 feet of a designated school, school bus stop or public park.


School fines are issued when a student fails to pay a class fee in the first three weeks of the semester and/or when a student damages or fails to return any property of the school including, but not limited to, textbooks, items checked out from the library, athletic uniforms, rental instruments, technology support items, etc. All fines are due by the end of the quarter in which they are issued. You are encouraged to pay your fees & fines online. You can access the “Pay Online” button from the school home page using the same username as Family Access. If you have difficulties logging in to make payment, please contact your school Bookkeepers for support.

Seniors’ fine will be due before graduation – see weekly bulletins, announcements and posted signs for further details.

Scholarships are available for students who need support. Please see your ASB bookkeeper, school administrator, or school counselor for support.

Foundational and Advanced Level Competencies

Foundational and Advanced Level Competencies

*Gibson Ek High School only.

Good Neighbor Policy

Good Neighbor Policy

The District wishes to maintain positive relationships with our neighbors. Students are to avoid trespassing on neighbors’ property, littering and loitering in the street near their homes. Students with off-campus passes who leave during the school day are to avoid congregating in the neighborhood streets bordering the school.

Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

Please refer to the course guide on the school website and District Regulation 2410 and Procedure 2410P for specific graduation requirement information and programs. You will find information on:


Homework, as an extension of the classroom, must be planned and organized, purposeful to the students, evaluated and returned to them promptly. The purpose of homework assignments, the basis for evaluating the work performed and the guidelines and/or rules should be made clear to the student at the time of the assignment. Students should talk to their classroom teachers with any questions about assignments or grades for a course. A complete copy of Regulation 2422 and related Regulations and Procedures are available on the District’s website.

Identification Cards

Identification Cards

All students are provided with a student identification card, featuring their name, grade and a photo. Students are encouraged to carry their card during the school day.

Inspection, Search and Seizure

Inspection, Search and Seizure

Students are entitled to the guarantees of the Fourth Amendment and shall be secure in their persons, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. However, school officials are required to promote a safe environment and are empowered to conduct a reasonable search of a student, of their personal property (including cars parked on campus), and of school property when there is reasonable and individualized cause or grounds for suspecting or believing that the search will turn up evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school. Any search conducted must comply with applicable laws. School property shall remain under the control of school officials and shall be subject to search.

Searches of Students and Personal Property

Any search of a student conducted by a District employee must be reasonably related to the discovery of contraband or other evidence based upon an individualized suspicion of the student's violation of the law or school rules.

The term “contraband” means items, materials, or substances the possession of which is prohibited by law or District Regulation, including but not limited to, controlled substances, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, nicotine delivering devices, or any object that can reasonably be considered a firearm or a dangerous weapon.

Automobile Searches

Students can park on school premises as a matter of privilege, not of right. The school retains authority to conduct without notice routine patrols of student parking lots and inspections of the exteriors and visible interiors of student automobiles on school property. The interiors of student vehicles may be searched whenever a school official has reasonable cause or grounds for suspecting or believing that the search will turn up evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school. School officials may call and/or consult with local law enforcement officials in appropriate circumstances, such as when criminal activity is suspected.

Locker Searches

All student lockers may be searched at any time without prior notice and without reasonable suspicion that the search will yield evidence of any student's violation of the law or school rules. If the school official conducting such a search develops a reasonable suspicion that any container inside the locker, including but not limited to a purse, backpack, gym bag, or an article of clothing, contains evidence of a student's violation of the law or school rules, the container may be searched pursuant to the District’s procedures governing personal searches.

Additional information regarding student privacy and searches may be found in Regulation 3230 and Procedure 3230P.

Learning Through Internship Program and Counseling Office

Learning Through Internship Program and Counseling Office

*Gibson Ek High School only.