Street Use Permits

Street Use Permits allow for the use of a public street or right-of-way for purposes other than for the usual vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle or other mobility device travel.

Reviews consider potential safety hazards, traffic congestion and address liability. Your project may require additional forms or documents.

What types of permits are available?

These lists are not all inclusive. If your event or activity is not listed and you are unsure whether or not you need a permit, please contact or 360-487-7729

Type A, B and C – short-term or temporary special events

Type D and E – longer or long-term permits are required for building into or extending over the right-of-way

Additional Forms

Hold Harmless Agreement – required with some street use permits:

Traffic Control Plan

Traffic Control Plans (TCP) are required for most projects or events in the public right-of-way, as they may create safety hazards or traffic congestion. There is no charge for review and approval of your Traffic Control Plan. Send completed plans to

Franchise Utility Operators should send your plans to

For plans associated with a Right-of-Way (ROW) permit, such as those that require a sidewalk, shoulder or single-lane closure or a standard flagging station, the TCP will be issued with the ROW permit at the Permit Center.

Projects impacting an intersection, or 3 or more lanes of traffic must work with the Public Works Traffic Engineering and Operations Team and use the form below.

Related Topics

Sidewalk Café/Seating

Sidewalk Repair or Driveway Approach

Construction of curbs or sidewalks or any construction in the street requires a Right-of-Way permit through engineering services.