The Most Useful Mentoring Agreement Templates and Examples

A mentoring relationship is hard to build and maintain. Both the mentor and mentee have packed schedules incuding personal projects, work, and self-development paths.

This brings up a question: how to make mentoring work? How to foster efficient mentoring relationships when we have so little time on our hands?

A mentoring agreement helps answer those questions. By providing a solid foundation to the relationship, it can grow to be strong.

You’ll be able to align objectives and manage expectations satisfactorily. A mentoring agreement is a perfect framework to regulate the relationship.

Mentoring Agreement: Definition

Mentoring agreements refer to documents where the mentor and mentee can set up their commitments. These are in effect for the entire period they work together.

An agreement is not a mere piece of paper, it’s the foundation that supports mentoring relationships. Here are some of its advantages:

A mentoring relationship requires time and dedication to make it work. Both parties will have their own independent schedules they’ll need to balance..

A mentoring agreement can create balance, establish structured meetings, and avoid wasting time.

What to Include in Agreements?

First, you need to establish the basics:

To make the process simpler, you can create a few templates. Include pertinent sections and then fill it with the details. These are some of the essential sections:

The aim of the project

Here, mentees can record their goals. Make sure they write down what they want to achieve. The more specific they are, the better. Objectives must be clear so that they lead to actionable steps.

Choose the steps

Establish the steps that will help your mentees reach their goals. This includes research, collaboration, regular meetings, grants, manuscripts, etc.

Meeting Schedules

It’s important that you establish how often you will meet.

Establish the duration of your sessions. If this should change, make sure you specify why. Here are some possible durations to include in your agreements:

Then, choose how you want to conduct these meetings. Here are some options for your mentoring agreement:


Each party expects different frequencies, content, and communication methods. For example, establish what would happen if either the mentor or the mentee cancels a session. What happens if one party doesn’t reply to an email?

Skills to develop

Each mentee has specific skills they want to develop. Make sure they know what they want. Do they need to enhance their existing capabilities? Do they need to improve their leadership skills? Encourage them to be as specific as possible.

Develop a plan

Both mentors and mentees must create a plan. Consider the goals and skills your mentee needs to develop. In your plan’s outline, make sure it includes clear actions that the mentee must take within the following days and weeks.


Ask the mentee specific questions: Where do you see yourself in the future? What is the most senior position in your career? What is the highest point that you want to reach?


If you want to build mentoring relationships based on trust, take confidentiality seriously. Each mentor must commit to keeping sensitive topics confidential and request permission to use any of the information derived from the sessions.


Make sure you include a termination clause. For example, if the mentoring relationship is damaged beyond repair, the collaboration will cease. Here, neither of the parties will have any further commitment except for the fees or expenses pending. Also, termination can be initiated by any of the parties.

Another possibility is that the mentee finds the relationship to be unproductive. If this is the case, he or she may terminate the contract.

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Providing feedback

The mentor must prepare evaluation reports regularly. These must include:

Likewise, the mentees should provide feedback. Their evaluation reports must include:

To get the most out of the mentoring relationship, it’s a good idea to exchange emails. After each session, make sure that you send emails to each other. Include an evaluation of the session and a proposal to move forward.

Examples of Mentoring Agreements

The following are some examples of agreements that can be useful for you:

FAQs about mentoring agreements

1. What is a mentoring agreement, and what purpose does it serve?

A legal document known as a mentoring agreement spells out the objectives, duties, and commitments of both the mentor and the mentee. The agreement acts as a guide for the mentoring relationship, making sure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities.

2. Who typically initiates a mentoring agreement, the mentor or the mentee?

A mentoring arrangement can be started by either the mentor or the mentee, however most of the time the mentee takes the initiative. This is due to the fact that the mentee often stands to earn more from the mentoring relationship and may be more committed to its success.

3. What are some common components of a mentoring agreement?

The aims and objectives of the mentoring relationship, the duties and responsibilities of the mentor and mentee, the frequency and format of meetings, and the expectations for communication and feedback are all commonly covered in a mentoring agreement.

4. How long should a mentoring agreement be in effect?

Depending on the aims and purposes of the mentoring relationship, the length of a mentoring agreement can change. A few months may be the duration of some agreements, while a year or longer may be the duration of others.

5. What are some of the benefits of having a mentoring agreement in place?

There are several advantages to having a formal mentoring agreement in place for both the mentor and the mentee. It can be useful in setting up specific expectations, ensuring that everyone is on the same page, and offering a framework for gauging success.

6. What happens if either the mentor or mentee fails to meet their obligations under the agreement?

It may be essential to modify the parameters of the agreement or even end the mentoring relationship if either the mentor or the mentee fails to fulfill their commitments under the mentoring agreement. This emphasizes how crucial it is to create clear communication lines early on and set reasonable expectations.

7. Is it possible to modify or amend a mentoring agreement once it has been signed?

A mentoring agreement may be changed or amended after it has been signed, but any alterations require consent from both parties. This can entail revising the contract’s provisions or creating an entirely new one.

8. Should a mentoring agreement be a formal, legally binding contract?

Despite the fact that a mentoring agreement is often not a formal, legally binding contract, it is nonetheless crucial to treat it as such. The mentor and mentee may feel more trusting and committed as a result of this.

9. How does a mentoring agreement differ from a coaching agreement?

A mentoring agreement is often more focused on personal and professional growth, whereas a coaching agreement is more focused on skill development and performance improvement, even though there is some overlap between the two.

10. Can a mentoring agreement be used in conjunction with other forms of professional development, such as training programs or job shadowing?

The utilization of a mentoring agreement can be combined with other professional development strategies like training courses or job shadowing.

The agreement can help to guarantee that the mentee gets the most out of these other development opportunities by defining specific goals and objectives for the mentoring relationship.

Final Thoughts on Mentoring Agreement Templates and Examples

A mentoring agreement is an excellent tool. Besides helping you set goals, it establishes clear expectations. Thus, mentors and mentees know what responsibilities and benefits they have.

Agreements help us align interests and specify the shared terms. Providing higher efficiency, these documents help you save time and replace several conversations. Last but not least, signing an agreement will make you look more professional, boosting your career even further.

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